News — What's New l St. Barnabas Senior Services l Older Adults Services


A Farewell Message From Rigo

As I enter the last few weeks as President and CEO of SBSS, I reflect on how much SBSS has grown in these last 13 years. When I accepted the position in 2008, I was prepared for any and all challenges that were headed my way, such as the recession which left many low income older adults housing insecure and even homeless. The team and I did all that we could to expand our programs and services to reach more communities and included services for family caregivers as well. We co-founded the Los Angeles Aging Advocacy Coalition (LAAAC) and have managed it since its inception. LAAAC gives older adults more of a voice within their communities. We also launched our Aging into the Future events to help educate older adults about the opportunities that technology provides and our more recent program, GOAL:Tech to provide literacy education for older adults as we navigate through the pandemic and beyond.

A focal point for me has been to make sure that everything we do is through the lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and I am proud that the SBSS team and I became champions for the population we serve. The legacy I leave is the trust that our older adults, their families, and their communities have in SBSS to help them age well with dignity and respect.

From the global recession to the global pandemic, SBSS has become stronger, more resilient, and more invested than ever in the impact we have in our communities. The strength of our entire staff and the organization has made this difficult decision a little easier. While there will always be challenges, I know SBSS will always emerge better than ever, and will always keep the most vulnerable older adults at the center of everything we do – I’ve seen it time after time.

On my toughest days, it’s the people who kept me going.

To all the SBSS older adults we’ve served: You’re the reason I do what I do. Thank you for allowing me to serve you. It’s been an honor and a privilege to do so.

To our partners, past and present: Thank you for trusting me and SBSS. Thank you for giving so much of your time and experience. Together, we changed the world by helping our communities, one person at a time.

And to our supporters: Thank you for believing in our mission, our vision, and our work. Without your investment, trust, and belief in us, we could never achieve what we have accomplished.

Thank you to my board for their support over the years and to my SBSS team across and throughout the organization. We’ve been through so much together, I can’t help but care for you all.

I’m deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to serve as SBSS’ President and CEO. I will miss the SBSS family, but I know SBSS will continue to thrive without me. I know the SBSS future is bright, and I invite you to be part of it with our board, staff, and new leadership. It’s always been your support that allows SBSS to be a beacon of light for so many.

Please consider a gift today, in honor of our past and as an investment into SBSS’ future.

In gratitude,

Rigo J. Saborio

SBSS President and CEO


Special Announcement from Jodi Cohn, SBSS Board Chair

Having been a part of SBSS for decades, I’ve seen St. Barnabas Senior Services’ incredible journey through the years; one that continues to this day as we emerge from a global pandemic stronger than ever in our mission to serve the most vulnerable older adults of Los Angeles.


It is from this foundation of strength that Rigo Saborio will be stepping down from his position as President and CEO in December 2021.  Rigo feels that his time at SBSS has been a blessing, and fortunate that he has had the opportunity to lead and grow SBSS through both challenging and prosperous times.  He is ready for new career challenges and growth opportunities of his own.  He knows that part of being a great leader is finding the right time to exit and let new leadership take SBSS to new heights. 


We will deeply miss Rigo’s spirit, leadership, and optimistic, can-do attitude.  During Rigo’s tenure, SBSS added an advocacy focus to SBSS, co-founded the Los Angeles Aging Advocacy Coalition (LAAAC), implemented numerous technology initiatives for older adults including the Aging Into the Future conference; made family caregiver support and education a priority, and expanded SBSS’ reach to Hollywood and Echo Park.  Internally, Rigo developed his staff into leaders, focused together on impact, innovation, and above all, excellence.  Rigo’s empowering style of leadership has prepared the SBSS staff well to carry the organization forward through this leadership transition.


SBSS remains dedicated to promoting healthy and holistic aging, supporting independence and aging in place, and enhancing the overall quality of life for older adults and their caregivers.  We will continue to focus on strengthening our core services, programs, and infrastructure; bridging the digital divide for older adults; and fostering diversity, equity and inclusion in everything we do. 


Over the next few months, we will be embarking on a rigorous search for our next President and CEO.  Rigo is leaving SBSS in a wonderful position to support its next great leader, with empowered staff and an energized board.  We believe our future has never been brighter nor more open with possibilities for helping older adults in Los Angeles thrive.  Whether in-person or remotely, we remain here for older adults and will continue to help them live well, feel well, and age well with dignity and respect.


Vaccines for Older Adults in CA: What We Know

With so much information out about vaccines, sometimes it can be hard to know what is most accurate for you or a loved one’s situation. Below we’ve re-posted a break down of what we know, brought to you by our friends at Justice in Aging:

Earlier this month, Governor Newsom announced the state was opening up COVID-19 vaccinations to those age 65 and over, in addition to health care workers and residents of long-term care facilities. 

In light of this news, advocates may be getting many questions from older adults they work with about the vaccine. Some may be trying to sign up for a vaccination appointment and encountering barriers. Details are changing quickly and some information may differ depending on the county. This is what we know now: 

What vaccines are approved?

As of January 21, 2021, the federal government has granted emergency use authorization of two vaccines, one manufactured by Pfizer and the other by Moderna, to adults 18 years old and older. Several other vaccine candidates are still undergoing clinical testing. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require two doses, 21 and 28 days apart respectively. 

How much does the vaccine cost? 

These vaccines should be provided at no cost to all, regardless of insurance or immigration status. If the individual has insurance, providers administering the vaccine are allowed to bill a fee to insurance for administering the vaccine, including Medicare and Medi-Cal. If the individual does not have insurance, providers can request reimbursement for administration of the vaccine through the federal government’s provider relief fund. Advocates should advise older adults to be on alert for potential scams, like paying to get a vaccine earlier. 

Is the vaccine safe? 

The two vaccines currently being distributed have gone through a rigorous FDA approval process, and California, along with several other states, empaneled a group of scientists to conduct an independent review. The clinical trials included a diverse mix of races and ages, and the vaccines have shown a 94-95% efficacy rate against becoming ill with COVID-19. 

When can older adults get vaccinated?  

Every local health department is operating on its own timeline, and large health systems like Kaiser may have their own timeline too. Governor Newsom announced on January 13, 2021 that local jurisdictions could start vaccinating older adults 65+ along with certain categories of essential workers. Advocates should check with their health system or local health department on the status of the vaccine rollout in their county or system, and for instructions on how to obtain the vaccine.  

In addition to checking with the local health departments and individual health care systems, California announced a new system to let people know if they are eligible to receive a vaccine, and if not yet eligible, to register for a notification via email or text when they are eligible. That system is called My Tool. A pilot version is available in English and Spanish. People seeking more information about COVID-19, including vaccinations, can also call the state’s COVID-19 hotline at 1-833-422-4255.  

Where can older adults get vaccinated?

Similar to the annual flu shot, most older Californians who live in the community will be vaccinated at health providers like hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices, or pharmacies. Counties are also ramping temporary mass community vaccination sites. For residents of long-term care facilities, facilities had the option to sign up with a federal partnership program with CVS and Walgreens to administer the vaccine at facilities through on-site vaccination clinics or coordinate with their local health department.  

How can an older adult get to a vaccination site?  

For older adults who do not have the ability to get to a vaccination site, their health insurance plan may offer transportation to and from the site, including pharmacies. Individuals should check with their Medicare Advantage or Medi-Cal plans for specific details on what type of transportation is offered and how to make an appointment.  

Why do some older adults have to wait a long time to get the vaccine?  

Although the state has recognized that many older adults, especially older adults of color and those in disadvantaged communities, are at greater risk of COVID-19 infection and death and has prioritized them in vaccine distribution, right now demand far outweighs supply. California is still receiving a relatively low number of vaccines every week. Older adults may have to wait several weeks or longer to get an appointment for the vaccine.  

What are some of an older adult’s rights during the vaccine process? 

All civil rights laws, including those specific to healthcare and entities receiving federal and state funding, apply. For example, older adults with limited English proficiency should be given meaningful access to language assistance services when getting a vaccine, including interpretation services and translated materials when appropriate. In addition, vaccination sites should comply with federal and state accessibility requirements, and no older adult should be denied a vaccine because of assumptions of their life expectancy or quality of life. Finally, California law strictly limits what personal information can be shared, and only de-identified information will be shared with federal authorities.  

For more information about COVID-19 vaccinations in California, please visit California's Vaccinate All 58 website. Information on Vaccinate All 58 will be updated on an ongoing basis.