Evidence-Based Programs l St. Barnabas Senior Services l Older Adults Services


Evidence-Based Programs (EBP) are demonstrated through evaluation to be effective for improving the health and well-being of older adults. EBPs empower older adults to make informed health choices, adopt healthy behaviors and enhance their quality of life.

A Matter of Balance
Designed by Boston University, this
program is designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels.
Participants learn to view falls as controllable, make changes to reduce fall risk, and exercise to increase balance.

Chronic Disease Self-Management / Tomando Control de su Salud: 
Designed by Stanford University, this program offers techniques to deal with fatigue, pain, and isolation. Interactive classes address medication management, nutrition, treatment evaluation and more. This program is also offered in Spanish.

OASIS Connections: 
Designed by the OASIS Institute, this technology training program helps older adults develop the skills and confidence to use technology. The courses emphasize hands-on active learning, screen illustrations, and ample time for skill practice and positive reinforcement.

Memory Training:
Designed by UCLA, this educational program assists older adults to improve or maintain their memory with skill-building exercises and quizzes. The program focuses on the following memory challenges: names and faces, the placement of things, and the inability to immediately recall.

Arthritis Foundation Exercise:
This program aims to reduce pain and stiffness, as well as maintain or improve mobility and muscle strength. In addition to health education, classes include endurance-building physical activities, balance exercises and relaxation techniques.

My arthritis was getting so bad. The exercise classes have really helped me get more active and feel better. I can move now without it being painful all the time. Thank you!


Funded in part by the City of Los Angeles Department of Aging
As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to programs, services and activities.