Family Caregiver Support Program
We provide family members who are the primary caregivers for their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, or other family; with support services, education, and resources to help navigate stressful situations, prioritize self-care, and more fully understand their critical role in the well-being of their loved one.
Our team of case managers brings extensive knowledge, experience, and expertise in long-term care, aging in place, dementia and Alzheimer’s. We aim to help reduce the overall stress that caregiving can bring.
If you’re caring for someone and would like information to help you with any challenges you may be facing, our team is here for you.
We will conduct an assessment of your situation and needs, and help develop a care plan to meet your specific needs. We’ll stay in close contact with you for as long as you need to make sure your caregiving situation is the best it can be. We can help connect you to:
Support Groups
Education & Training Programs
Respite Services
“Having someone take care of ME....What a relief!”
FCSP Education Series
The FCSP Education Series addresses concerns that frequently arise in caregiving situations. These webinars are open to anyone who identifies as a family caregiver. Topics include:
Dementia & Alzheimer’s
Health & Wellness
Accessing Community Resources
Improve Family Communication
Communicate with Healthcare Providers
Find and Hire In-Home Care
Safety for You and Your Loved Ones
Managing Crisis Situations
For more information about FCSP, please contact us at 213-388-4444
or email us at Family Caregiver Support
The Family Caregiver Support Program is sponsored by the City of Los Angeles Department of Aging.
SBSS is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.