Wellness & Longevity l St. Barnabas Senior Services l Older Adults Services

March Calendar




SBSS offers a wide array of activities and services that keep older adults active, socially engaged and embracing their creative side.  

Each SBSS Center is offering a variety of classes in-person and by telephone, including exercise classes, health talks, trivia, and more.

Click on your nearest location below to view this month’s calendar of classes/events.

Our activities and classes include, but are not limited to:

  • Fitness Club (Tai Chi, Dance/Zumba, Fall Prevention, Xbox Kinect)

  • Fine Arts Classes (Card-Making Workshops, Art Club, DIY Crafts)

  • Computer Literacy (Cyber Cafés, Mobile Tech Lab)

  • Social Activities (Dances and Celebrations, Fields Trips to Museums, Fairs and Educational Events, Bingo)

  • Health Education Workshops, Health Fairs & Screenings

  • Korean ESL

The Card-Making Workshops are really relaxing and fun. It’s nice to get with our girlfriends and make something nice for seniors who can’t leave their homes anymore. I hope they know that we are thinking about them and that these cards cheer up their day. - Ms. Hamilton