What is the Digital Divide? l St. Barnabas Senior Services l Older Adults Services

What is the Digital Divide? 

The Digital Divide describes the unequal levels of access to digital devices as well as communication and information technology across socio-economic groups. People who are older, have limited English proficiency and are in lower income and education brackets are less likely to be able to gain knowledge, maintain social connections, and even communicate with healthcare providers using digital technology.


Older Adults and the Digital Divide

Using the Internet often requires expensive cell phone plans or Wifi and many older adults do not have devices like smartphones, tablets or computers. Additionally, many are not comfortable navigating the web and smartphone apps. This leaves seniors cut off from many essential services such as telehealth, online banking, and online shopping. There is a high demand for resources to older adults to increase tech literacy in order for them to lead healthy, fulfilling and fun lives.


SBSS is Bridging the Divide

Our new GOAL-Tech class is customized to the unique challenges our clients have wanted to tackle since the COVID-19 pandemic changed the world. We are also offering drop-in Technology Discussions that heavily emphasize Q&A time. In the past, we have offered the Mobile Tech Lab and Cyber Cafes that provide computer access and one-on-one help with computer skills. Our Money & Tech classes help older adults make online transactions and protect their money and personal information over the Internet.

We are committed to helping improve tech literacy for seniors so they can continue to live well, feel well, and age well.